Why Apple’s iOS Operating System is one of the most secure

For years, it’s been noted that Apple has the most secure & safest operating systems in their devices, and this proven once again by their latest iOS deployment, iOS 14, for devices such as the iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. The use of its own inhouse built ecosystem, which no other device uses in the market, assures security measures in Apple’s applications & addons.

Apple means business when put in security terms. This article will outline exactly why Apple’s iOS operating system is one of the most secure operating systems known to date & why it is hard to exploit/hack their in-house built iOS system.

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But how is it secure?

Well, great question. Ever since there were found vulnerabilities in the first-ever iPhone iOS in 2007, Apple developed & created its inhouse security research department. With that came their need to control their iOS systems, to make them one of the most secure operating systems known in the technology sector.

Apple is the only company that owns its ecosystem; This means they own the software design, the hardware, and the operating systems. This means no one external to the company can access their systems or understand them fully, making it unique to Apple. This is Apple’s answer to having zero vulnerability & having a secure ecosystem.

Compared to their desktop systems, Apple’s iOS mobile division is much more secure. There are five main reasons, these include:

• A ‘Sandbox’ like isolation framework, which in the simplest terms, isolates applications from the main system, making room for fewer exploits to be found.

• All applications must meet Apple’s requirements before being put on the app store. If found suspicious, Apple reserves the right to block them immediately.

• Patches are continually being applied in updates to keep its devices up to date while any vulnerabilities found are patched right away.

• Apple’s Software is always under review from its security divisions, particularly its open-sourced components.

• iOS being a mobile system still takes advantage of the hackers’ ideology (Hackers tend to try with desktop systems rather than smartphones).

Apple’s updates jumping through each generation (example iOS 4 to iOS 5 to iOS 6 & so on) has brought new security structures & new certifications; This enhances each level of coding implemented to further lockdown the ecosystem.

Trust in the Apple App Store.

Security does not end in the actual operating system that Apple developed (iOS) but also extends to its App Store, where users can download applications to personalize & further expand the features of their iOS devices. Apple has a programming division within the iOS division just for the App Store.

This allows Apple to review each application request to be posted to the App Store by reviewing the code, its resources, what its intentions are, etc. Most malicious applications are trying to be snuck through to the App Store, which Apple does pick up on. 

Apple in 2007 learned a lot about vulnerability as one application made it onto the market, which had more permissions than the ones listed and, in true Apple style, was immediately banned and removed from AppStore.

Updates, Updates & More Updates!

Ever think you just updated your phone and Apple wants you to do it again; Wonder what is up with that? Well, it is to keep you & your information safe. Apple is notoriously known for forcing & speeding up its patching/updating services to keep its devices safe.

Apple has security specialists who purely check the current system for vulnerabilities & once one is found, sends out a patch or update to block/secure that weakness; This is one main reason why Apple’s ecosystem is so secure. 

Next time an update comes through, do it immediately to see Apple’s security measures true potential and how it intends to keep your device as secure as ever.

New Cloud Infrastructure & Encryption Technology.

Apple is no stranger to Infrastructure encryption; all their technology, including iOS devices like iPhones & iPads, have secure boot chains, data protection, secure enslaves & data vaults. In simpler terms, Apple uses cloud technology to safely secure its devices with iCloud keychains, iCloud security and several other cloud-based security applications apart of their ecosystem.

The interrelation of Apple Devices.

Apple is one of those companies known for its interconnectivity of devices like none other; This means you’ll have an easier time sharing files and peripherals with other iOS devices than with Android

In terms of practicality, it’s not very practical if your friends and family are not within the ecosystem. Still, in terms of security, no other devices can intrude or ‘hack’ Apple’s ecosystem through connectivity into the Apple device range. 

The software design of iOS prohibits any devices from connecting other than controllers for video games, audio devices, or their Apple-branded accessories like AirPods, Apple Pencil, particular cases & others.


Apple’s iOS is one of the most secure operating systems found in mobiles today! Kudos to Apple for taking such extreme measures to keep their systems secure compared to others on the market today. With such software development divisions & such safeguards in place for its devices, it is no wonder it is secure.

To keep the security up to date, always update the devices once a new update or patch appears and only download from App Store. Doing just these small things will keep your iOS device safe, secure & optimized for future usage years.

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