How Virtual Reality Can Help Shape The Health Department Worldwide

Technology has come a long way since being introduced into the industry. Virtual Reality, also known as VR, is the simulation of a real scenario via a gateway such as goggles or a connection source.

VR origins are often debated, with some artifacts dating back to the 1950s. Only recently, with the advancements in computers and graphics, has it become a new sensation, being added to games, virtual experiences and the topic of today’s blog Health & Education departments worldwide.
Working hand in hand with Augmented Reality, also known as AR, creates a significant advancement in any industry it is implemented in.
Augmented Reality is an interaction with addons that are simulated into the real world via computer-generated graphics.
With the addition of these new technological advancements, just how much effect will it have on the Health departments worldwide?

Virtual Reality & its Implementations

Virtual Reality provides us with a simulation of a real-life scenario such as a state of mind or being in surgery. Since the 1990s, health departments worldwide have implemented the technology to help aid operations and processes within each medical practitioner.

Virtual Reality has been advanced dramatically by software developers worldwide, creating applications to specifically utilize such VR technologies.

Now Virtual Reality is being used to practice surgical methods for young aspiring doctors & surgeons. With its distant connection capabilities, realistic & futuristic point of views, it is no wonder why it was adopted for such practices. Universities such as Oxford University even utilize this to teach students exactly what to expect & how to undergo each process for a more immersive real scenario experience.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of Virtual Reality has further escalated. Medical trials have been conducted in isolated conditions making VR technologies much more beneficial under such circumstances. This still can help medical advancements, which in return can be lifesaving research with results.

Virtual Reality with Augmented Reality

Now in 2020 whit the pandemic hit, more and more integration of Virtual Reality has been seen with Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is an interaction with addons that are simulated into the real world via computer-generated means.
Virtual Reality differs from Augmented Reality as AR is real life with a computer-simulated image superposed or interaction. In contrast, VR is all simulated to seem like it is real-world but is not.
With both of these technologies working hand in hand, it can create a real-world image with unimaginable dimensions.

While VR is used for medical research in the health department, AR is used for surgical & medical practice. Using robotics & AR technologies, it can display the surgical operation as if you were there while being miles away or, in some cases, across the other side of the world. Since the pandemic, this has become more commonly used as it reduces the risk of virus contamination while providing results like those seen in person.

AR has also come a long way since its first introduced date of 2016, now providing a gaming experience and medical practices & education. It has been noted that AR is becoming more popular in the aftercare of patients, providing a contact point between patient & practitioner during such challenging times of COVID.

Why the Change to VR & AR Technologies

Earlier in its existence, VR & AR technologies were way before their times, which came at a cost. VR & AR technologies were too expensive to obtain; however, they have become much more affordable in recent times, hence the move for medical personnel to VR & AR technologies during tough times.

Not only this, the pandemic has had a significant role in the change of technological procedures in the medical & health sector. Since isolations were introduced worldwide, clients cannot see practitioners.
This is where AR & VR come into their field of play, providing the freedom to see their practitioners via technological means from a distance. It has proven success, especially for smaller privatized clinics, making a means of personal connection to clients.

Will AR & VR Advance Further?

It is stated that both AR & VR technologies will advance further with more application and software developers coming on board to develop more purposes for these technologies.
With the introduction of 5G network technologies (hyperlink), this will only be more evident as time goes past.
5G networks being faster, more efficient & reliable than ever will provide a greater gateway for both AR & VR technologies to be taken advantage of.
It is unsure how much more it will develop with 5G networks as the full possibilities currently seem endless and undiscovered but expect a big change in almost all sectors.

Wrap Up

As technology advances, so do the sector it is implemented & introduced into. Both AR & VR technologies, when implemented side by side to work hand in hand, provide a significant advantage for the medical industry & the health department, especially during such pandemics as the like in 2020 (COVID-19).
With newer networks being released, such as 5G, it’s only a matter of time till everything incorporates such technologies into everyday living.

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