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The internet can be a terrifying place, especially if you are not protected against security risks and threats which can harm your privacy and private files. With ongoing vulnerabilities and hacks being deployed on innocent internet users, having the right privacy settings set up on your browser is imperative. Here

Remember the days when hackers had to use Trojan Horses & DOS Attacks to invade people’s computers? Remember when the word “Hacker” mainly meant causing malicious harm to a person’s computer? Well, those days are changing as technology advances every single day, now introducing mobile viruses, vulnerabilities & hacks. Basing

Google Stadia, Google’s answer to cloud gaming, promised a lot to its gaming users, such as cloud gaming, with resolutions up to 4k supported at 60 frames per second display with added support for HDR (high-dynamic-range). These were all put into shambles as games became unplayable. Users paid subscriptions &

For years, it’s been noted that Apple has the most secure & safest operating systems in their devices, and this proven once again by their latest iOS deployment, iOS 14, for devices such as the iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. The use of its own inhouse built ecosystem, which no

How much money can you make from an app is now a comprehensive and open-ended question, mostly based on the circumstances we’ve all faced in 2020. I believe this question used to and still is asked based around the idea that you can throw an app into the app store

Earlier last week, Apple announced news for the smaller software development businesses, which sparked joy. Small developers who earn less than one million dollars in revenue per year will have their commission cut on the Apple App Store to only 15%. 50% less than their current commission structure for smaller


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