Intel CEO Bob Swan Steps Down

In recent times, since the pandemic began, many misfortunate events have occurred, people stepping down, businesses becoming bankrupt, and a lot of other losses. A big shock to the computing industry is the Intel CEO Bob Swan stepping down from his position as the 7th CEO of Intel.

In June 2018, after Intel had let go of their former CEO Brian Krzanich due to allegations stated he had an affair with an employee, Bob Swan took the role of “interim CEO.”

After seven months as Interim CEO, Bob Swan was appointed to be the new Intel CEO, making him the 7th full-time CEO for the computing giant Intel. In the recent times of 2021, Intel had recorded the lowest profit margins compared to the past 4-5 years proving that an innovation & business model had to be adopted for Intel to continue its growth & profitability.

After two years of being CEO, Bob Swan failed to direct the Intel company to growth and profitability, leading him to step down from the CEO position.

Bob Swan will be out of the CEO seat at Intel on the 15th of February 2021, replaced by current VMWare CEO Pat Gelsinger. Pat Gelsinger, a technological genius who helped produce the original 80486 CPU design by Intel, will replace him, providing a possible key to the future development of newer and advanced chipsets for Intel. bob swan

Pat Gelsinger is no stranger to Intel, being remembered as a 30-year veteran, he is well known for his chipset designs and unique leadership style. Intel recognized Pat Gelsinger as the key to helping Intel overcome their struggle and locked manufacturing problems, possibly overtaking their rivals in market share & innovations.


In a press conference, the executive chairman of Intel Omar Ishrak stated that Pat Gelsinger has an “acclaimed track record of innovation, expertise in development & an extensive knowledge of Intel’s philosophy & designs.”

Omar Ishrak also extended his comments stating that the board hopes Pat Gelsinger uses his innovative expertise to put Intel on the path. After a much-awaited “critical cycle of transformation” changing Intel from a “CPU company to a multi-architecture XPU company.” Meaning that Intel hopes that Pat Gelsinger is the key to Intel making not just PC chipsets but a computing company that makes every sort of chipset possible.


Bob Swan isn’t to blame purely for the decline of the Intel companies’ market share and growth. During the incident with the former CEO Brian Krzanich back in 2018, Intel had suffered problems from that period, which reciprocated into the new era of 2021. Most chip fabrication issues were founded in Intel before Bob Swan was appointed Interim CEO.


In 2016, Intel saw its first manufacturing problems. Intel had failed to produce its innovative 10nm chipsets on time because of the stock levels (the number of available chipsets it could make back then during the production run). Since this issue, Intel struggled to keep up with its market rivals TSMC & AMD, which began creating 5nm chipsets in 2020.

Of course, TSMC chipsets aren’t exactly equal to the quality or usage of Intel chipsets, but in the computing world, AMD outperformed Intel in both innovation and sales in all scenarios in the years 2020 and 2021. AMD now supports 7nm chipsets that are super-efficient and require low power to run compared to Intel’s flagship i7 10700K 14nm chipset released in 2020, which are much bulkier and require more power, and aren’t as efficient or compact.


It almost feels like the computing giant Intel has lost its spark in innovation in recent years, which needs to be rectified as their rivals are nearly 2-3 years ahead of them in design. In the latest CES 2021, Intel released new S-series chipsets, which are meant to be 14% quicker than its current flagship gaming power chipsets, along with a new processor called the Alder Lake.

This chipset is meant to be designed to be similar to ARM’s architecture to provide higher performance figures and fewer power figures required to power it. Compared to AMD that released during CES 2021 the most powerful  7nm chipsets in the market.

Reports indicate that AMD’s new processors are 16% quicker than its predecessors and will be deployed in around 150 new devices in 2021.

On top of this, AMD also presented a chipset for servers and data centers called Milan. This chipset was so innovative and so advanced that it outperformed the current flagship Intel chipset by more than 68% while developing a complex weather forecast measure. This shows just how much Intel has fallen behind.


The bad news doesn’t just end there for Intel, as the departure of Bob Swan from Intel also showed a loss in a massive partner, Apple, which moved on developing their own chipsets, implementing ARM architecture chipsets into their computing units.


However, it’s not all doom for Intel. With the arrival of Pat Gelsinger, promising innovation and proper leadership are in the future for Intel. Pat Gelsinger could just be the answer to end Intel’s self-destruction in innovation.  For now, it’s not clear where Bob Swan will be moving onto after the 15th of February 2021, but reports suggest he will be around in the technological world.


Wrap Up

Intel has struggled to capitalize on market share in recent years and provide innovation to the computing world through advanced chipsets. With the departure of their CEO Bob Swan and announcing the newly appointed CEO Pat Gelsinger, Intel believes the innovation & leadership tactics of Pat Gelsinger will help steer Intel into the correct pathway for success in the future.

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