The Best Facial Recognition Software

In technology’s modern times, a new player has entered into the play, Facial Recognition Software and, you may have already had got in touch with it. You are probably wondering right now what is facial recognition? That’ll be the topic of today’s article, so let’s dive into it to understand what facial recognition is and what role it has in IT.

Facial recognition software is a part of biometric technology that utilizes deep learning algorithms. The deep learning algorithm learns an individual’s facial features and correlates them with stored face prints in the past. It can identify either a face using still images or video frame snippets. Therefore, the effectiveness of this technology purely relies on the quality and integrity of the application.

Uses of such facial recognition software include both governments regulated & privatized usages such as surveillance, security, data protection, marketing, and many more. Facial recognition plays a part in almost everything you could think of.

Today we compiled a list of the best facial recognition software for both Android & iOS.


FDNA developed the Face2Gene application for the healthcare department in America with hopes of streamlining the diagnostic and research of genetic diseases. The application uses facial recognition to help doctors manipulate comprehensive, precise evaluations of genetics. With the possibilities outlined by this application, it could become the best possible healthcare-based application globally.

Similarly, It’s on both iOS & Android for the public to use.



Facefirst is another facial recognition application used for law enforcement and the military, identifying any agent on the field found in their database records. This application can help improve the community’s security by identifying suspects & criminals while not engaging in any false arrests. It’s also the first facial recognition-based application to have a watchlist that they can use to list suspected criminals while performing day-to-day duties.


Face Phi

Face Phi is an innovative facial recognition application that helps consumers in the banking industry. The application’s goal is to identify possible identity theft and fraud cases to protect their customers. The way it works is straightforward as it takes a picture of the client’s face via a mobile device, then does an identity check using the image and crosschecking it on the bank’s records.

The technology from this application is embedded into most online banking solutions nowadays across the world. Most importantly, this means it’s not downloadable separately for personal usage.


App Lock

An application made for pure privacy on Android devices. App Lock enables an encryption method to access applications installed on the device itself.

Thanks to facial recognition, the password essentially is the user’s facial feature. Essentially, making it extremely secure & incredibly hard to access without the owner; This encryption method on Android makes it a viable option for bank, social and healthcare applications and anything with personal records on it.


A viral application back at the end of 2019. FaceApp is a photo editor that using facial recognition and IA helps modify your facial features.

It possesses two main functions. The first one helps edit your face with its facial recognition editor, and the other to identify celebrities. Likewise, it was widely used on social media to do a before & after comparisons using facial recognition to see yourself in a couple of years or even as a whole opposite genre.

You can also download a tonne of filters to help edit your facial recognition captured image, including age, gender, hairstyle & smile filters. By far, FaceApp was the best entertainment and social media-based facial recognition application to date.


Mojipop is an online avatar creator for social media and gaming platforms. Using facial recognition, you can customize your avatar’s expression, hairstyles, mood & personal setting area. Every day with Mojipop, new stickers are created & ready for users to customize their avatar in many ways.


Google Photos

You heard that right; Google now has embedded facial recognition in its Google Photos application to identify different people & objects in each photo. So, using facial recognition, you can categorize, tag & find photos of friends, family, or celebrities you have taken pictures with.


Apple Photos

If Google has it, Apple likely does too. With a similar function of facial recognition as Google Photos, Apple always goes an extra step ahead presenting at the end of every month highlights, memories & custom videos with music in the background to showcase the importance of that month. So, using facial recognition, it finds the faces of friends, family and celebrities to then group them.


Wrap Up

In conclusion, with facial recognition, companies can provide a secure means of encryption, access, or identification. Used in multiple industries such as financial, security, medical, education & entertainment, facial recognition possibilities are endless. Since facial recognition is only new to the market, its full capacities may have not been entirely discovered.

We listed the top rankers in each category, but we must clarify that’s not all of them, to sum up, the market for facial recognition software is very diverse. The next time you want to secure your applications, photos, or financial records on your mobile or tablet, try one of the facial recognition applications listed above.

For entertainment purposes, you could try for instance Mojipop or FaceApp to provide endless fun & content for you to post onto social media.

Big Kitty Labs is one of the leading software development companies in Columbus Ohio that has been developing applications, websites, and software for over 10 years. Contact us for free discovery and consultation on your next project!