Top 10 Must-Have Plugins For WordPress 2021

Looking at upgrading your WordPress built website to the next level? Is it currently not bringing in the impressions and visitors you expected? In this article, we will highlight the top 10 must-have plugins for WordPress in 2021.

For those who don’t know what WordPress is, we already gave a brief introduction in this article. To put it bluntly, it’s an online service that allows anyone with any technical ability to build a website or blog service.
This makes WordPress the go-to choice for website creation and one of the most popular options. Now that we are up to speed on WordPress, let’s venture down the list of plugins.




WPForms is a friendly form builder plugin for WordPress.
Every website has a contact us page or some form/popup display containing fields for entries; This has multiple purposes, it captures leads, people interested in you and make the website more engaging.
With WPForms, you can quickly build contact-us, registration, sale forms & much more. It’s the go-to for any kind of form building for a website.
To create a form, just drag and drop each form into place on the web page & it’s ready.
WPForms offers both a free and a pro version. We would recommend going with the pro version if you are a business owner looking to expand; However, the free version, although it has limited styles, is quite good.



Advanced Editor Tools

Advanced Editor Tools is known for its optimization not only in SEO but in reliability and speed. Its developers have added features rarely seen in all-in-one packages, such as the editing of metadata, SEO optimization, image size compression optimization and page speed optimization. A must-have for anyone serious about making a reliable, responsive website.




plugins for wordpressThis plugin is a must for any website, let alone business owners. Sucuri is an online security & anti-malware plugin that defends against attacks on the website such as XSS (Cross Scripting) and much more.
Its developer’s had one goal in mind, to protect the website at all costs, providing an extensive & powerful firewall. Sucuri also wrote up a guide on their website to show just how powerful the plugin is and how simple it is to set up. A must on anyone’s website!




Elementor Page Builder

With Elementor Page Builder, you can easily create pages within your website with ease.
With this plugin, you can create blocks, divisions, tables, headers and basically anything you want to make in a website with at just a button’s click of distance. While it’s paid, it’s good value for ease of use and simplicity.
It is no wonder why Elementor Page Builder is one of the most popular page building plugins for WordPress.



Smush Image Compression

The application developers at Smush hit the nail on the head with this plugin.
Speed & reliability are two main features every website should aim to have and, bulky image files directly slow down the website response rate; This is where Smush comes in.
Smush can compress, resize & optimize all the images on your website within 24 hours of activation.
Nothing makes visitors happier than an aesthetically pleasing website that is fully responsive with no delay.



Simple Buttons Share Adder

This plugin is so underrated in the world of plugins for WordPress. Simple Buttons Share Adder does exactly what the name implies and adds share to social media buttons for your website’s content.
This sharing method can bring in more visitors, impressions and, in return, can produce revenue or whatever the desired response is.
This plugin is a must-have in the modern era of websites & social media integration.



UpDraft Plus

Has anyone had their hard work ever deleted accidentally due to errors or malfunctions after putting in hours & hours of effort?
Well, UpDraft Plus is here to help; This application was developed to save and backup webpage data on the fly while you are editing and changing data or integrating new plugins. A must-have to avoid those nasty accidents.


WP Super Cache

Yet another responsive speed optimizer is added to our list. WP Super Cache developers included such extensive tools to go the extra mile to deliver the most optimization for responsiveness.
With easy-to-use in-depth analysis, seeing where the site is being bogged down has never been easier with WP Super Cache.
Ever feel your website may be slow? Add this plugin to the list to see if it helps!




Anti-Spam Bee

Anti-Spam Bee is an application that keeps spammers away from your website using CAPTCHA images & buttons.
This plugin is much needed today as spammers have become a common nuisance on most websites. CAPCHA’s seem to deter them, making the website more useful & more responsive.



Wrap Up

So here you go, our ten must-have plugins for WordPress. This list contains both free & paid plugins. We included the ones that will be the most useful to you. Rest assured that with these plugins, you will take your website to the next level. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Big Kitty Labs is one of the leading software development companies in Columbus Ohio that has been developing applications, websites, and software for over 10 years. Contact us for free discovery and consultation on your next project!