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Since 2009, cryptocurrency has come a long way. While the general public has been able to grasp its meaning and purpose quite recently, there’s another virtual kid in the block, and its name is NFT. Short for Non-fungible token, NFT shot to fame recently when Beeple – a digital artist

  Unless you’ve been living under a rock during the last couple of weeks, you might be familiar with the stock market craze driven by a group of amateur traders in Reddit’s forum WallStreetBets, which caused shares of bankrupted companies such as GameStop, Blackberry, AMC, and BlockBuster to increase their

CES 2021, the time for all technology-based companies to shine with their latest innovations and creations all on show. AMD did just this with their latest Ryzen mobile processors based on 7nm Zen 3 architectures. The AMD Ryzen 5000 series chipsets for laptops and mobile devices were the highlight of

In the last 7 years, mobile traffic grew by 220%. As the mobile user base grows, big brands have started upgrading their technologies to fit the small screen sizes. Small and midsized businesses, however, are not that quick to upgrade. That’s precisely why we will go deep into why responsive

In recent times, since the pandemic began, many misfortunate events have occurred, people stepping down, businesses becoming bankrupt, and a lot of other losses. A big shock to the computing industry is the Intel CEO Bob Swan stepping down from his position as the 7th CEO of Intel. In June

The latest tech talk has been the transition from x86 to ARM that both Microsoft & Apple are undertaking from Intel’s x86 architecture to the rival ARM architecture provided by ARM Ltd. After Apple’s 15 year venture and Microsoft’s 30-year venture with Intel’s architecture x86, it seems it has come


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